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The class blog for
Professional Practices
, a junior-level course for photography majors at the
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Kevin J. Miyazaki
steers the bus.
2012 Friends of The Class
Aline Smithson
Ashley O'Dell
Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman
Ben Huff
Caleb Cole
Catherine Edelman Gallery
Colleen Plumb
Darren Hauck
Dave Jordano
Erika Larsen
Isa Leshko
J. Shimon & J. Lindemann
Jess T. Dugan
Jonathan Blaustein
Martha Schneider Gallery
Matt Siber
Matthew Avignone
Museum of Contemporary Photography
Sarah Sudhoff
Sonja Thomsen
Susan Worsham
Think Tank Photo
Wally Mason, Haggerty Museum
2011 Friends of The Class
Alison Zavos
Ashley O'Dell
Catherine Edelman Gallery
Daniel Shea
Darren Hauck
Francis Ford
Greg Ruffing
Jane Fulton Alt
Jennifer Shaw
John Keatley
Lisa Hostetler
Mark Menjivar
Mary Virginia Swanson
Pete Brook
Peter Hoffman
Portrait Society Gallery
Sarah Sudhoff
Wally Mason
• Magda Biernat
• Colin Blakely
• Anastasia Cazabon
• Elizabeth Chiles
• Christopher Corvelle
• Andrea Chu
• Beatriz Diaz
• Adam Ekberg
• Manya Fox
• Sarah Girner
• Joshua Dudley Greer
• Stephanie Jane Halmos
• Susanna Hesselberg
• Emily Keegin
* Grace Kim
• William Lamson
• David Leventi
• Michael Marcelle
• Ahndraya Parlato
• Jenny Riffle
• Dalton Rooney
• Sarah Small
• Sarah Sudhoff
• Bill Sullivan
• Friederike von Rauch
• Sarah Wilmer
• Susan Worsham
thank you!
• liveBooks
• PZ Direct
• ThinkTank Photo
• Friends Of The Class
Lots of Pictures
50 States Project
500 Photographers
Ahorn Magazine
American Suburb X
CPOY 2009
Daylight Magazine
Feature Shoot
Flak Photo
Fraction Magazine
Humble Arts Foundation
i heart photograph
Indie Photobook Library
International Photographer Index
Light Leaked
Media Storm
Midwest Photographers Project
Missouri Photo Workshop
MoCP Collection
New York Times Lens blog
Pause To Begin
PDN 30
PDNedu Student Contest Winners
Photo Booth / The New Yorker
Piece Of Cake
The Ones We Love
The Photography Post
This Is The What
Unless You Will
Verve Photo
Visura Magazine archive
Women In Photography
World Press Photo Archive
Young Photographers United
11 Things!
20x24 Polaroid (BBC)
Alan Rapp on book publishing (The Photoletariat)
Amber Terranova on Review Santa Fe selections (Fraction)
Andrew Hetherington's videos
Ask Anything columns (APhotoEditor)
Bill Cramer on Branding & Marketing (Wonderful Machine)
Brad Trent's Artificial Portraits
Brian Clamp on Amy Stein (The F Stop)
Bruce Gilden working (WNYC)
Business of Editorial Photography (Shutterbug)
Career Launching (PDN)
Chris Rauschenberg on Pricing (Photolucida)
David Schoerner/Hassla Books (The Photography Post)
Dayrate and Spacerate Explained (Wonderful Machine)
Digital Storage (Photoshelter)
Ed Winkleman's gallery advice
Eight Lessons (Black Star)
Eugene Richards on books
Gowin and Luckett on bookmaking (The Space In Between)
Guess The Lighting
Guide to Ad Usage Terms (A Photo Editor)
James Pomerantz at SVA
James Worrell on location
Jeffrey Teuton on portfolio reviews (Jen Bekman)
Jerry Monkman on working for NGO's (Photoshelter)
Jim Megargee on printing (Hippolyte Bayard)
Joe McNally on blogs (Resolve)
John Loomis' Bible
Jonathan Blaustein on Review Santa Fe 2010
Kevin German's camera bag
Kevin Moloney's PJ Class
Laura Wzorek Pressley (finite foto)
Mark Gordon on what a digital tech does
Mary Virginia Swanson (PhotoNola)
Neil Binkley on self-promos
Neil Harris on photo editing (Slideluck Potshow)
Photo-Eye Book Reviews
Photographers on Epson printing
Promo Postcards (APhotoEditor)
Resolve, the liveBooks blog
Steve McCurry's advice for getting started
Street Photography - Ways of Working (2point8)
Studio Manager Questions (Stockland Martel)
Susan Meiselas on documentary photography
Suzanne Sease on Ad Bidding (APhotoEditor)
The Industry Explained! (
Twelve Ways... (Amani Olu/artlog)
When to stop assisting? (Stone Thrower)
Workflow Explained (Photoshelter)
Photography Galleries
Blue Sky
Bonni Benrubi
Bruce Silverstein
Catherine Edelman
Charles A. Hartman
Daniel Cooney
Danziger Projects
Edwynn Houk
Foley Gallery
Fraenkel Gallery
Hasted Hunt
Jackson Fine Art
Jen Bekman
Michael Mazzeo Gallery
Paul Kopeikin
Photo Eye
Randall Scott
Robert Koch
Stephen Daiter
Wall Space
Weinstein Gallery
Yossi Milo
A New Semester!
© Kevin J. Miyazaki
We back for the Fall 2011 semester, with a whole new class of 19 photography majors. You'll soon be seeing their work on this blog, as well as posts about our talented and generous guests.
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the big list
[760 & growing] of photographer and photo industry interviews
Aaron Huey (Lens/NY Times)
Aaron Huey (Slideluck Potshow)
Aaron Huey (TED)
Aaron Schuman (Conscientious)
Adam Ekberg (MIAD-FA382)
Adam Krawesky (Making Room)
Adam Patterson (e-photoreview)
Adrian Valenzuela (A Photography Blog)
Ahndraya Parlato (MIAD-FA382)
Alan Rapp (HeyHotShot!)
Alana Celii (NYMPHOTO)
Alec Soth (2point8)
Alec Soth (Atlanta Celebrates Photography)
Alec Soth (Minnesota Original)
Alec Soth (Mom Culture)
Alec Soth (SeeSaw)
Alec Soth (TooMuchChocolate)
Alec Soth (Walker/George Slade)
Alejandra Laviada (nymphoto)
Alessandro Vincenzi (dvaphoto)
Alex Webb + Rebecca Norris Webb (Resolve)
Ali Bosworth (TooMuchChocolate)
Aline Smithson (MIAD-FA382)
Aline Smithson (Thoughts On Photography)
Aline Smithson (Two Way Lens)
Aline Smitson (Photo Radio)
Alison Brady (NYMPHOTO)
Alison Malone, Pt. 1 (Lost At E Minor)
Alison Malone, Pt. 2 (Lost At E Minor)
Allison Grippo (Hey Hot Shot!)
Allison V. Smith (Liz Kuball)
Alvin Tang (Feature Shoot)
Amanda Friedman (Unreal Conceptions)
Amanda Maralis (nymphoto)
Ami Vitale (DigitalTrekker)
Amy Eckert (BreakThru Radio)
Amy Elkins (NYMPHOTO)
Amy Elkins (Two Way Lens)
Amy Postle (Kodak)
Amy Stein (Making Room)
Amy Stein (NYMPHOTO)
Amy Stein (The Rumpus)
Ana Nance (Redux Pictures)
Anastasia Cazabon (MIAD-FA32)
Anastasia Cazabon (MyArtSpace)
Andrea Chu (MIAD-FA382)
Andrea Diefenbach (ahorn)
Andrea Stultiens (Dutch Doc)
Andreas Gefeller (Photographers Speak)
Andreas Gursky (FOTO8)
Andres Pinces (Heather Morton)
Andrew Bush (Morning News)
Andrew Cutraro (Redux Pictures)
Andrew Cutraro (Redux)
Andrew Eccles (David Perkins)
Andrew Hetherington (Tony Fouhse)
Andrew Laumann (01 Magazine)
Andrew Moore (Conscientious)
Andrew Moore (Western Reserve PBS)
Andrew Phelps (2 Way Lens)
Andrew Phelps (Ahorn)
Andrew Phelps (e-photoreview)
Andy Adams (the factory)
Angela Strassheim (Minneapolis Institute of Arts)
Angelika Rinnhofer (nymphoto)
Ann Woo (nymphoto)
Anna Fox (Foto8/HOST)
Anne Holmes (e-photoreview)
Anne Lass (NYMPHOTO)
Annie Leibovitz (Brooklyn Museum)
Annie Leibovitz (KUOW)
Annie Marie Musselman (Feature Shoot)
Annie Marie Musselman (This Is The What)
Anthony Karen (MIAD-FA382)
Anthony Karen (NPR)
April Gertler (NYMPHOTO)
April Gertler (This Is That)
Ariana Page Russell (NYMPHOTO)
Arnold Newman (PDN)
Aron Morel (Melanie Photo Blog)
Asger Carlsen (Melanie McWhorter)
Ashley Gilbertson (e-photoreview)
Autumn de Wilde (LA Metromix)
Aya Brackett (nymphoto)
Barbara Crane (Amon Carter)
Barry Underwood (Photographers Speak)
Beatrix Reinhardt (nymphoto)
Beatriz Diaz (MIAD-FA382)
Ben Alper (All Of This Is Rocket Science)
Ben Alper (MOSSLESS)
Ben Baker (Redux Pictures)
Ben Baker (The Spark)
Ben Huff (Mull It Over)
Ben Lowy (APAD)
Ben Watts 1 (Designing Minds)
Ben Watts 2 (Designing Minds)
Beth Dow (At Length)
Beth Dow (GlobalPost)
Bill Jay (PDN)
Bill Sullivan (MIAD FA382)
Bill Vaccaro (Thoughts On Photography)
Blue Mitcehll (Photo Radio)
Bob O'Connor (Mull It Over)
Brad DeCecco (Feature Shoot)
Brea Souders (nymphoto)
Brenda Ann Kenneally (Visura Magazine)
Brenda Millis (The Photoletariat)
Brendan George Ko (MIAD-FA382)
Brian Finke (Shane Lavalette)
Brian Shumway (Feature Shoot)
Brian Shumway (Redux Pictures)
Brian Smale (Wise Elephant)
Brian Sorg (Feature Shoot)
Brian Ulrich (Bomb Magazine)
Brian Ulrich (Feature Shoot)
Brian Ulrich (MIAD-FA382)
Brian Ulrich (The Story)
Brigitte Lacombe (Charlie Rose)
Britt Salvesen (WGBH)
Bronek Kozka (Australian Edge)
Broomberg + Chanarin (SeeSaw)
Bruce Davidson (Koji Nnamdi via American Suburb X)
Bryan Schutmaat (urbansand)
Camille Seaman (Dodge & Burn)
Camille Seaman (nymphoto)
Candace Gottschalk (NYMPHOTO)
Cara Phillips (Hey Hot Shot!)
Carl Bower (Resolve)
Carla van de Puttelaar (photo-eye)
Carrie Will (NYMPHOTO)
Casey Kelbough/Slideluck Potshow (The F Stop)
Catherine Opie (The Artist's Museum)
Celine Clanet (nymphoto)
Charles Fréger (Buffet)
Charlie Grosso (NYMPHOTO)
Charlie Grosso (Two Way Lens)
Charlotte Cotton (LA Times)
Chase Jarvis (CameraLabs)
Chikara Umihara (Hey Hot Shot!)
Chris Buck (A Photo Editor)
Chris Buck (The F Stop)
Chris Buck (the factory)
Chris Gordaneer (The F Stop)
Chris Usher (Kodak)
Chris Verene (Amy Stein)
Christian Patterson (Making Room)
Christina Seely (nymphoto)
Christine Osinski (NYMPHOTO)
Christopher Colville (Larissa Leclair)
Christopher Colville (MIAD-FA382)
Christopher Morris (dvaphoto)
Christopher Morris (PDN)
Chuck Patch, Part 1 (2point8)
Chuck Patch, Part 2 (2point8)
Cindy Sherman (NY Magazine)
Claire & Jeremy Weiss, Pt. 1 (Juxtapoz)
Claire & Jeremy Weiss, Pt. 2 (Juxtapoz)
Claire Beckett (Fraction)
Coke Wisdom O'Neal (Mixed Greens)
Colin Blakely (MIAD-FA382)
Colleen Plumb (nymphoto)
Corey Arnold (NPR)
Corey Presha (Liz Kuball)
Corinne Vionnet (MIAD-FA382)
Corinne Vionnet (nymphoto)
Corinne Vionnet (Yvi Magazine)
Cornelia Hediger (I Shot Myself, They Did Too)
Cristina Fraire (nymphoto)
Curtis Mann (Alan del Rio Ortiz)
Curtis Mann (Conscientious)
Cynthia Wang (NYMPHOTO)
Daan Paans (Dutch Doc)
Dalia Khamissy (Conscientious)
Dalton Rooney (Conscientious Extended)
Dalton Rooney (MIAD-FA382)
Dalton Rooney (Too Much Chocolate)
Damon Winter (TooMuchChocolate)
Dan Winters (PDN)
Dan Winters (The F Stop)
Dana Popa (Conscientious)
Danelle Manthey (This Is The What)
Daniel Cooney (ArtMostFierce)
Daniel Shea (All of This is Rocket Science)
Daniel Shea (Mull It Over)
Daniel Shea (Photography For A Greener Planet)
Daniel Shea (Prison Photography)
Danny Lyon (The Morning News)
Danny Wilcox Frazier (Duke)
Darius Himes (Hey Hot Shot!)
Darren Ching & Debra Klomp Ching (A Sky Filled w/ Shooting Stars)
Darren Hauck (MIAD-FA382)
Darren Rigo (Black Dog Collective)
Daryl Ann Saunders (NYMPHOTO)
Dave Jordano (Feature Shoot)
Dave Jordano (urbansand)
David Allen Harvey (AUPN)
David Bram (A Photo Editor)
David Bram (SRO Gallery blog)
David Hilliard (Two Way Lens)
David LaChappelle (PDN)
David Leventi (MIAD FA382)
David Leventi (PHOTO TK TK)
David Leventi (This Is The What)
David Maisel (See Saw)
David Simonton (Two Way Lens)
David Wright (Conscientious)
Deana Lawson (MOMA)
Deana Lawson (Time Out NY)
Deborah Hamon (2 Way Lens)
Deborah Schwartz (A Photo Editor)
Dina Cantor (NYMPHOTO)
Djordje Jovanovic (dvaphoto)
Domingo Milella (Hippolyte Bayard)
Don Bartletti (Photographers Speak)
Dona Schwartz (
Donald Weber (dvaphoto)
Dornith Doherty (Elizabeth Avedon)
Doug Dubois (Conscientious)
Duane Michals (KPBS)
Duane Michals (PDN)
Dulce Pinzón (NYMPHOTO)
Dwight Eschliman (POP)
Ed Ou (Time LightBox)
Ed Panar (This Is That)
Edward Burtynsky (A Photo Editor)
Edward Burtynsky (Big Think)
Edward Burtynsky (Lens Culture)
Edward Burtynsky (SREAD ARTCULTURE)
Edward Sturr (Photographers Speak)
Eirik Johnson (Ahorn Magazine)
Eirik Johnson, Part 1 (Aperture)
Eirik Johnson, Part 2 (Aperture)
Elinor Carucci (Matt Johnston)
Elinor Carucci (Through-The-Lens)
Elizabeth Avedon (A Photo Editor)
Elizabeth Chiles (MIAD-FA382)
Elizabeth Fleming (Larissa Leclair)
Elizabeth Fleming (NYMPHOTO)
Elizabeth Fleming (Shutter Sisters)
Elizabeth Weinberg (A Photography Blog)
Elizabeth Weinberg (the factory)
Ellen Jantzen (Two Way Lens)
Ellen Rennard (NYMPHOTO)
Emily Shur (Larissa Leclair)
Emily Shur, #1 (nymphoto)
Emily Shur, #2 (nymphoto)
Emmet Gowin (American SuburbX)
Eric Kayne (dvaphoto)
Eric Miles on book collecting (Elizabeth Avedon)
Eric Weeks (ahorn)
Erica McDonald (dvaphoto)
Erika Larsen (Fulbright)
Erika Larsen (Liz Kuball)
Erika Larsen (nymphoto)
Erin Patrice O'Brien (nymphoto)
Erwin Olaf (The F Stop)
Eugene Richards (PhotoInduced)
Evan Baden (MN Original)
Francesco Millefiori (Black Dog Collective)
Francisco Guerrero (This Is The What)
Frank Ockenfels 3 (A Photo Editor)
Friedrike von Rauch (MIAD-FA382)
Galen Schlich (Photographers Speak)
Garie Waltzer
Geoff Smith (Amy Stein)
Geoffrey Ellis (HATEFACE)
George Zimbel (Photographers Speak)
Gerhard Steidl (Conscientious)
Gil Blank (Shane Lavalette)
Gina LeVay (Redux Pictures)
Gina LeVay (Shoot!)
Glen Erler (ahorn)
Gordon Parks (Charlie Rose)
Gordon Parks (PDN)
Gordon Parks (Photographers Speak)
Gordon Stettinius (B)
Goro Bertz (591 Photography Blog)
Grace Kim (MIAD FA382)
Graham Miller (Amy Stein)
Grant Willing (Critical Terrain)
Greg Ruffing (Redux Pictures)
Gregg Segal (This Is The What)
Gregory Crewdson (Big RED & Shiny)
Gregory Crewdson (CBS)
Gus Powell (2poin8)
Gus Powell (Black Dog Collective)
Hank Willis Thomas (NY Art Beat)
Heather Johnson (Redux Pictures)
Hee Jin Kang (nymphoto)
Heidi Romano (Viewfinder)
Heinz Kluetmeier (PDN/Kodak)
Hidemi Takagi (NYMPHOTO)
Hiroh Kikai (eyecurious)
Hiroshi Sugimoto (
Hiroshi Watanabe (Thoughts On Photography)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Two Way Lens)
Hiroyo Kaneko (nymphoto)
Hugh Kretschmer (Feature Shoot)
Ian van Coller (Photolucida)
Isa Leshko (NYMPHOTO)
Isa Leshko (The Holga Darkroom)
Izabella Demavlys (Eyeteeth)
Jaimie Warren (National Headquarters)
Jake Chessum (ProfessionalPhotographer)
Jake Stangel (NPR)
James Chiang (POP)
James Luckett (The Postcard Collective)
James Nachtwey (Epson)
James Pomerantz (A Photography Blog)
James Pomerantz (At Length)
Jan von Holleben (Lucida)
Jane Fulton Alt (Two Way Lens)
Jane Fulton Alt (WWNO)
Jared Moossy (Redux Pictures)
Jason Eskenazi (A Photo Student)
Jason Fulford (Flash Flood)
Jason Fulford and Corin Hewitt (Blind Spot Conversations)
Jason Gould (Feature Shoot)
Jason Lazarus (MIAD-FA382)
Jeff Hutchens (Fraction Magazine)
Jeff Ladd (B)
Jeff Liao (Kodak)
Jen Bekman (Fast Company)
Jen Bekman (Small Business Rules)
Jen Bekman (Women 2.0)
Jen Jenkins (TooMuchChocolate)
Jen Southam (SeeSaw)
Jenilee Marigomen (nymphoto)
Jennifer Loeber (Liz Kuball)
Jennifer Loeber (NYMPHOTO)
Jennifer Ray (NYMPHOTO)
Jennifer Williams (NYMPHOTO)
Jenny Riffle (MIAD-FA382)
JeongMee Yoon (Feature Shoot)
Jeremy M. Lange (dvaphoto)
Jeremy Weiss (TooMuchChocolate)
Jesse Burke (A Photo Editori_
Jessica Dimmock (AmericanSuburbX)
Jessica Eaton (01 Magazine)
Jessica Ingram (NYMPHOTO)
Jessica M. Kaufman (NYMPHOTO)
Jessica M. Kaufman (Slideluck Potshow)
Jessica Todd Harper (YouTube)
Jim Herrington (Tastes Like Chicken)
Joe Reifer/Troy Paiva (B)
Joe Toreno (This Is The What)
Joel Meyerowitz (PDN)
Joel Meyerowitz Pt. 2 (2point8)
Joel Meyerowitz, Pt. 1 (2point8)
John Angerson (If At First)
John Cyr (NPR Picture Show)
John D’Agostino (Feature Shoot)
John Keatley (Adorama)
John Keatley (Feature Shoot)
John Keatley (Framed)
John Keatley (Redux Pictures)
John Keatley, Part 1 (Keatley)
John Keatley, Part 2 (Keatley)
John Mann (Hey Hot Shot!)
John Mann (Mull It Over)
John Szarkowski (American SuburbX)
John Szarkowski (Charlie Rose)
Jon Cazenave (dvaphoto)
Jon Edwards (MIAD-FA382)
Jon Feinstein (artlog)
Jon Feinstein (We Can't Paint)
Jon Gitelson (
Jon Marc Seimon (This Is The What)
Jonathan Blaustein (Mull It Over)
Jonathan Saunders (POP)
Jonathan Saunders (Profoto)
Jonathan Sprague (Redux Pictures)
Jonathan Togovnik (Kodak)
Joni Karanka (la pura vida)
Joni Sternbach (Hippolyte Bayard)
Joni Sternbach (Larissa Leclair)
Joni Sternbach (Two Way Lens)
Jorg Colberg (Hippolyte Bayard)
Joseph O. Holmes (PetaPixel)
Joseph Rodriguez (Resolve)
Joshua Dudley Greer (MIAD-FA382)
Joshua Lutz (AI-AP Dart)
Joshua Lutz (Photoshelter)
Joshua Lutz (StateOfTheArts)
Joyce Tenneson (PDN)
Judith Fox (Fresh Air)
Judith van IJken (Dutch Doc)
Julia Dolan (Photo Radio)
Julia Fullerton-Batten (Feature Shoot)
Julia Fullerton-Batten (The F Stop)
Julian Cox (Art 21)
Julian Faulhaber (i like this blog)
Juliana Beasley (Elizabeth Avedon)
Juliana Beasley (nymphoto)
Julieve Jubin (NYMPHOTO)
Justin Fantl (POP)
Justin James Reed (Liz Kuball)
Justin Visnesky (Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis)
Justin Visnesky (L'oeil ailleurs)
Justine Reyes (Dodge & Burn)
Justine Reyes (nymphoto)
jw lawson (MIAD-FA382)
Ka-Man Tse (Nymphoto)
Kanako Sasaki (nymphoto)
Karen Ande (Resolve)
Karin Apollonia Muller (Ahorn)
Kate Brooks (CommArts)
Kate Engelbrecht (NYMPHOTO)
Kate Hutchinson (Liz Kuball)
Kate MacDonnell (Larissa Leclair)
Katherine Kiviat (Redux)
Katherine Squier (TooMuchChocolate)
Kathryn Hurni (
Kathy Ryan (Time LightBox)
Katrin Elvarsdottir (NYMPHOTO)
Katy Grannan (Daily Serving)
KayLynn Deveney (nymphoto)
Keith Carter (
Keliy Anderson Staley (NYMPHOTO)
Kelli Connell (Flak Photo)
Kelli Pennington (NYMPHOTO)
Ken Rosenthal (Thoughts On Photography)
Ken Rosenthal (Two Way Lens)
Kendall Messick (Feature Shoot)
Kerry Mansfield (nymphoto)
Kevin Cooley (Redux Pictures)
Kevin German (A Photo A Day)
Kevin J. Miyazaki (Feature Shoot)
Kevin J. Miyazaki (Melanie McWhorter)
Kevin J. Miyazaki (This Is The What)
Kevin Van Aelst (All Things Connecticut)
Kim Guthrie (knowwhere)
Kirby Pilcher (Hey Hot Shot!)
Klavdij Sluban (lens culture)
Klea McKenna (nymphoto)
Kristen Ashburn (TED)
Kwaku Alston (Kodak)
Lane Collins (nymphoto)
Larry Schwarm (NPR)
Larry Sultan (Big RED & Shiny)
Larry Sultan (Fresh Air)
Larry Sultan (
Laura Heyman (NYMPHOTO)
Laura Letinsky (Evan Sklar)
Laura Letinsky (mouthtomouth)
Laura Letinsky (Venus Zine)
Laura Napier (NYMPHOTO)
Laura Pannack (Raw File)
Laura Wzorek Pressley (Flash Flood)
Laurel Ptek (artlog)
Lauren Greenfield (Film Threat)
Lee Jennings of Vaughan Hannigan (Photography Post)
Leigh Ane Langwell (Flash Flood)
Lewis Baltz (AmericanSuburbX)
Li Wei (The Morning News)
Lili Almog (powerHouse)
Lincoln Barbour (A Photography Blog)
Lisa Hostetler (WUWM)
Lisa Kereszi (cool hunting)
Lisa Kereszi (Photo-Eye)
Lisa M. Robinson (Larissa Leclair)
Lisa M. Robinson (NYMPHOTO)
Lisa Sarfati (AmericanSuburbX)
Lisa Wiseman (Resolve)
Lise Sarfati (American Suburb X)
Livia Corona (NYMPHOTO)
Liz Gilbert (Kodak)
Liz Kuball (nymphoto)
Liz Kuball (Thoughts On Photography)
Liz Rubincam (Liz Kuball)
Loerffrey (Redux Pictures)
Lotoya Ruby Frazier (ARTINFO)
Lottie Davies (NYMPHOTO)
Lydia McCarthy (Conscientious Extended)
Lydia Panas (underexposed)
Lynn Saville (NYMPHOTO)
Lynsey Addario (Zaman)
Magda Biernat (MAD FA382(
Maggie Taylor (CommArts)
Malcom Daniel (PhotoWings)
Malou Van Breevoort (NYMPHOTO)
Manjari Sharma (nymphoto)
Manjari Sharma (The Morning News)
Manjari Sharma (The Photography Post)
Manuello Paganelli (Photography Silo)
Manya Fox (MIAD-FA382)
Marcel Saba (TooMuchChocolate)
Mardi Miskit (
Margot Quan Knight (NYMPHOTO)
Mari Hirata (Lucida)
Maria Passarotti (NYMPHOTO)
Marisa Aragona (Hey Hot Shot)
Mark Alor Powell (2point8)
Mark Brautigam (Camera Obscura)
Mark Brautigam (Morning News)
Mark Leong (Feature Shoot)
Mark Menjivar (Onion A.V.)
Mark Menjivar (Smithsonian)
Mark Powell (
Mark Steinmetz (Ahorn Magazine)
Mark Wyse (Shane Lavalette)
Marten Lange (ahorn)
Martin Parr (2 Way Lens)
Martin Schoeller (Charlie Fish)
Martin Usborne (This Is The What)
Mary Ellen Mark (American Suburb X)
Mary Ellen Mark (Oregon Live)
Mary Ellen Mark (WNYC)
Mary Virginia Swanson (Resolve)
Mat Baker (The F Stop)
Matt Austin (Miki Johnson)
Matt Black (Photographers Speak)
Matt Eich (e-photoreview)
Matt Eich (MIAD-FA382)
Matt Eich (Photoshelter)
Matt Slaby/David Walter Banks (dvaphoto)
Matthew Jordan Smith (Kodak)
Matthew Monteith (Big RED & Shiny)
Matthew Monteith (Shane Lavalette)
Max S. Gerber (Charlie Rose)
Meera Margaret Singh (NYMPHOTO)
Meg Birnbaum (Thoughts On Photography)
Melanie McWhorter (Elizabeth Avedon)
Michael Bodiam (Hey Hot Shot!)
Michael Buhler-Rose (Big RED & Shiny)
MIchael David Murphy (Liz Kuball)
Michael Foley (Shoot!)
Michael Kenna (JGS)
Michael Kenna (
Michael Kirchoff (TwoWayLens)
Michael Lundgren (Conscientious)
Michael Marcelle (Humble Arts Foundation)
Michael Marcelle (MIAD-FA382)
Michael Northrup (B)
Michael Rubenstein (Redux)
Michael Schmelling (Big RED & Shiny)
Michael Schmelling (Shane Lavalette)
Michael Wilson (MIAD-FA382)
Michael Wilson (WVXU)
Michal Chelbin (nymphoto)
Michal Chelbin (photo-eye)
Michele Abeles (NYMPHOTO)
Michelle Keim (MIAD-FA382)
Michelle Kloehn (nymphoto)
Michelle Nolan (Dodge & Burn)
Michelle Nolan (Feature Shoot)
Mickey Smith (Hey Hot Shot!)
Mikael Kennedy (mosaic)
Mike Mandel (Shane Lavalette)
Mike Slack (The Daily F'log)
Mikhael Subotzky (Conscientious)
Miranda Lehman (MIAD-FA382)
Misty Keasler (Conscientious)
Molly Landreth (Amy Stein)
Mona Kuhn (Elizabeth Avedon)
Mona Kuhn (Elizabeth Avedon)
Mona Kuhn (Lens Culture)
Nadav Kander (Lens Culture)
Nadia Sablin (NYMPHOTO)
Nan Goldin (AmericanSuburbX)
Nancy Rexroth (Blake Andrews)
Naomi Harris (NYMPHOTO)
Nathaniel Welch (Redux Pictures)
Nathaniel Welch (This Is The What)
Nelson Chan (A Photography Blog)
Newsha Tavakolian (Resolve)
Nguan (This Is The What)
Nick Turpin (Two Way Lens)
NIgel Bennet (Conscientious)
Nils Jorgensen (2point8)
Nina Berman (nymphoto)
Nina Busing Corvallo (nymphoto)
Noah Kalina (TooMuchChocolate)
Ofer Wolberger (Shoot!)
Oksana Yushko (Conscientious Extended)
Olivia Bee (Time LightBox)
Patrick Nagatani (Flash Flood)
Paul Calhoun (MIAD-FA382)
Paul Shambroom (AmericanSuburbX)
Paul Waldman (Resolve)
Pelle Cass by Blake Andrews (B)
Pete Brook (Positive Magazine)
Peter Baker (la pura vida)
Peter Brown (Ahorn Magazine)
Peter Frank Edwards (Redux)
Peter Sutherland (01 Magazine)
Peter Yang (Photocritic)
Petra Stavast (Dutch Doc)
Phil Bergerson (Making Room)
Philip-Lorca DiCorcia (AmericanSuburbX)
Philip-Lorca DiCorcia (Tate Modern)
Phillip Toledano (A Photo Editor)
Phillip Toledano (The F Stop)
Phillip Toledano (The Morning News)
Polixeni Papapetrou (NYMPHOTO)
Preston Mack (Redux Pictures)
Q. Sakamaki (Redux Pictures)
Rachel Hulin (Heather Morton)
Rachel Hulin (NYMPHOTO)
Rachel Sussman (TED)
Rafal Milach (Feature Shoot)
Raul Guttierez (2point8)
Reid Callanan (APhotoEditor)
Rich Joseph Facun
Richard Avedon (Charlie Rose)
Richard Barnes (Elizabeth Avedon)
Richard Kalvar, Part 1 (2point8)
Richard Kalvar, Part 2 (2point8)
Richard Misrach (SeeSaw)
Richard Mosse (Conscientious Extended)
Richard Prince (AmericanSuburbX)
Richard Renaldi (Conscientious)
Richard Renaldi (TooMuchChocolate)
Richard Ross (Aperture)
Rineke Dijkstra (American Photo)
Rob Haggart (TooMuchChocolate)
Rob Hornstra (Dutch Doc)
Rob Hornstra (melaniephotoblog)
Robbie McClaren (Redux Pictures)
Robert Frank (NPR)
Robert Glenn Ketchum (Resolve)
Robyn Lange (A Photography Blog)
Roger Ballen by Darius Himes (Andrew Hetherington)
Romain Blanquart/Brian Widdis (dvaphoto)
Ron Jude (Ahorn)
Rona Chang (nymphoto)
Rosalind Solomon
Rose Lynn Fisher (Feature Shoot)
Ross Mantle (Feature Shoot)
Roy DeCarava (Fresh Air)
Ruben Natal-San Miguel (Through-The-Lens)
Rudy Archuleta (Redux Pictures)
Ryan Donnell (Eat The Darkness)
Ryan McGinley (SeeSaw)
Ryan Pfluger (Feature Shoot)
Ryan Pfluger (Feature Shoot)
Sacha Waldman (The F Stop)
Sage Sohier (Feature Shoot)
Sally Mann (Charlie Rose)
Sam Abell (PDN)
Sam Comen (This Is The What)
Sam Falls (Exposure Project)
Sam Falls (This Is That)
Sandra Dyas (Two Way Lens)
Sara Applegren (NYMPHOTO)
Sarah Girner (MIAD FA382)
Sarah Hoskins (NPR)
Sarah Lemoncelli (Mossless)
Sarah Pickering by Susan Bright (Exposures)
Sarah Small (Art Interview)
Sarah Small (MIAD-FA382)
Sarah Stolfa (Feature Shoot)
Sarah Sudhoff (MIAD-FA382)
Sarah Sudhoff (Wally Films)
Sarah Wilson (NYMPHOTO)
Sasha Wolf (nymphoto)
Saverio Truglia (The F Stop)
Scott B. Davis (Flash Flood)
Scott Dadich (What'sThe Jackanory?)
Scott Pasfield (Two Way Lens)
Sean Perry (Elizabeth Avedon)
Sebastian Denz (feature shoot)
Sebastiao Selgado (PDN)
Selina Maitreya (A Photo Editor)
Shane Lavalette (Gopher Illustrated)
Shane Lavalette (GraphicHug)
Shane Lavalette (MIAD-FA382)
Shane Lavalette (Resolve)
Sharon Montrose (Etsy)
Shen Wei (Hey Hot Shot!)
Shimon + Lindemann (
Shimon + Lindemann (MIAD-FA382)
Shimon + Lindemann (outsiders+intuits)
Simon Norfolk (Lens Culture)
Sonja Thomsen (nymphoto)
Stacia Spragg Braude (Eat The Darkness)
Stacy Arezou Mehrfar (Amy Stein)
Stacy Arezou Mehrfar (NYMPHOTO)
Stefan Heyne (2 Way Lens)
Stella Kalaw (Snaps)
Stephanie Jane Halmos (MIAD-FA382)
Stephanie Sinclair (PDN)
Stephen Mayes of VII
Stephen Shore (American Suburb X)
Stephen Shore (E +/-)
Stephen Shore (Exposure Project)
Stephen Shore (SeeSaw)
Stephen Tourlentes (Big RED & Shiny)
Stephen Tourlentes (Prison Photography)
Stephen Wilkes (The F Stop)
Steve McCurry (PDN)
Steve Smith (Evan Sklar)
Susan Meiselas (American Suburb X)
Susan Meiselas (Open Society Institute)
Susan Worsham (MIAD-FA382)
Susan Worsham (nymphoto)
Susana Raab (MIAD-FA382)
Susana Raab (nymphoto)
Susanna Hesselberg (MIAD-FA382)
Susanne Revy (NYMPHOTO)
Suzanne Revy (Studio Mothers)
Suzanne Sease (Wise Elephant)
Sylvia Plachy (Lens Culture)
Talia Greene (NYMPHOTO)
Tamir Sher (Creative & Live)
Tania Kitchell (NYMPHOTO)
Tara Donne (MIAD-FA382)
Taryn Simon (Charlie Rose)
Taryn Simon (Design Mind)
Tealia Ellis Ritter (MIAD-FA382)
Tema Stauffer (2 Way Lens)
Tema Stauffer (ArtMostFierce)
Tema Stauffer (Dirty Magazine)
Tema Stauffer (NYMPHOTO)
Tereza Zelenkova (TooMuchChocolate)
Terri Weifenbach (2 Way Lens)
Thomas Ruff (AmericanSuburbX)
Thomas Ruff (Conscientious)
Tiana Markova Gold (NYMPHOTO)
Tierney Gearon (Through-The-Lens)
Tierney Gearon (Two Way Lens)
Tim Flach (Photoshelter)
Timothy Archibald (100 Eyes)
Timothy Archibald (Communication Arts)
Timothy Archibald (Feature Shoot)
Timothy Archibald (POP)
Timothy Archibald (This Is The What)
Timothy Briner (The Morning News)
Timothy Briner (TooMuchChocolate)
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders (American Photo)
Tod Papageorge (Alec Soth)
Tod Papageorge (Foto8)
Tod Papageorge (SeeSaw)
Todd Fisher (If At First)
Todd Hido (Ahorn)
Todd Hido (MIAD-FA382)
Todd Hido (SeeSaw)
Todd Hido (YouTube)
Tom Hunter (Telegraph)
Toni Pepe (NYMPHOTO)
Tony Mendoza (2 Way Lens)
Torbjørn Rødland (Shane Lavalette)
Toshio Shibata (eyecurious)
Travis Ruse (grids)
Trevor Graves (TooMuchChocolate)
Troy House (A Photography Blog)
Tucker Walsh (Larissa Leclair)
Victoria Rich (Hey Hot Shot!)
Vincent Laforet (Canon)
Vincent Laforet (SilberStudios)
Vincent Laforet (The F Stop)
Wendy Ewald (MIT)
Will Steacy (bomblog)
Willem Popelier (Dutch Doc)
William Christenberry (Big RED & Shiny)
William Eggleston (Vimeo)
William Greiner (Making Room)
William Greiner (ratsalad deluxe)
William Lamson (MIAD-FA382)
Yannick Bouillis (Hippoyte Bayard)
Yijun Pixy Liao (NYMPHOTO)
Yishay Garbasz (NYMPHOTO)
Yola Monakhov (nymphoto)
Yoshihiko Ueda, Part 1 (photo-eye)
Yoshihiko Ueda, Part 2 (photo-eye)
Zena Holloway (The F Stop)
Zhijie Sui (Hey Hot Shot!)
Zoe Crosher (Aperture)
Zoe Strauss (2 Way Lens)
Zwelethu Mthethwa (Larissa Leclair)
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