
Great Shot: Christenberry

Guinea Church, near Moundville, Alabama 1964 ©William Christenberry

William Christenberry is an artist who works in different media, such as painting, sculpture, and photography. His work is inspired by his southern upbringing in Hale County, Alabama. I find William Christenberry's ongoing work of the American South interesting because he photographs how things change in a specific area, not necessarily through time. His photographs aren't of the same things, so he's showing change through a greater perspective. His art shows not only nature, but vernacular architecture as well or the use of buildings that are found in the South. In this image the doorways frame the tree in the background, but the light adds depth and mystery to the piece. His work not only captures the silent beauty of a sometimes rustic area but it documents the artist's understanding of architecture in a simple yet poetic way.

More work by William Christenberry can be found on his website: http://www.christenberryonline.com/index.html

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